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6th Annual B’MORE Design Expo

November 7, 2024

2024 Design Expo

November 7, 2024
Baltimore, MD

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Recent News

Another Successful Legislative Outreach Program

House Bill 1354 has just been amended to exclude “Interior design or decorating services”! The ongoing outreach efforts in the House and the proactive round of calls and emails (over 900!) to the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee contributed to this success. Great job, everyone!

MDCID Visits the Capital

Eos no quot luptatum vulputate, vidisse phaedrum at quo, pro tamquam civibus no. Debitis iracundia eam no, per ad euismod dolores forensibus. Cu at fugit minimum rationibus, qui elitr menandri ei. Cu putent oporteat interpretaris eu. Eam eu vivendo suavitate adolescens, ad pro latine deserunt suavitate, nam oratio patrioque consetetur et.

