OUR MISSION: The purpose of the coalition is to advocate for the Interior Design Profession. We financially support our lobbyist who fights for our credentialing and the right to practice.

What We Do

The Maryland Coalition for Interior Designers is a privately funded, self-sustaining, volunteer organization that represents, promotes and informs the positions of the Interior Design community. It is a unified voice for practicing interior designers regardless of affiliation. We closely monitor current and future legislation that may have an effect on our profession.

Through years of hard work we have earned the right to stamp and sign our drawings due to our experience, education and examination to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.

By becoming a member/sponsor your support enables us to not only inform the public of our knowledge of building codes, critical and creative thinking, communication and technology for the purposes of improving the quality of life, increasing productivity and protecting the health, welfare and safety of the public, but also:

  • Cover the annual cost of our lobbyist at the state level.
  • Support pertinent legislation.
  • Promote and maintain our official website.
  • Attend the monthly Maryland Certified Professionals meeting in Annapolis – Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Landscape Architects, Interior Designers and lobbyists meet to discuss current and upcoming legislation as it pertains to all of our professions.
  • Offer valuable accredited CEU’s.
  • Visit schools and educate future professionals.
  • Receive our quarterly newsletter.
  • Any member is free to attend any of our monthly meetings.

Please join us in our efforts.

How to Contact the MDCID Board

If you would like to reach out to one of our board members please email us at mdcidinfo@gmail.com. To ensure that your email is seen by the board member who can follow through please format the email subject as directed below. All general inquiries can be addressed to the Chair and will be distributed as needed. Subject line format: Board Position _ Email Content Here’s an example: If you have a CEU opportunity you would like to distribute to designers in the Baltimore/Annapolis area please title your email as follows: CEU Coordinator _ A New CEU Opportunity

Board Members

Heather Flannery headshot.

Heather Flannery, CHID, CID, EDAC, IIDA

Current Chair

The Chair leads board meetings, sets the agenda, and establishes goals in conjunction with committee members and timelines.  Committee members report updates back to the Chair for distribution and event success and future ideas.

Headshot of Holly Morgan.


Outgoing Chair

The Outgoing Chair is the resource for the Current Chair and aids in continuing the previous year’s goals and accomplishments. The Current Chair relies heavily on this role as a sounding board to maintain consistency and keep the coalition’s momentum moving forward.

Mandy Gitt headshot.

Mandy Gitt, CID, IIDA

Director of Advocacy

The Legislative Director works with the Chair to develop and implement the yearly legislative action plan. This role also includes attending monthly meetings and reporting back to the board, collaborating with other advocacy teams and, attending Legislative Symposiums, lobbyists, and politically involved groups.

Headshot of Lisa Cole.

Lisa Cole

Co-Director of Advocacy & Professional Organization Liason

The Co-Director of Advocacy & Professional Organization Liason supports the Director of Advocacy’s activities to meet the Coalition’s advocacy goals.  They are also the connection to the industry organizations that we work with, having similar goals of furthering the professional practice rights of Interior Designs in Maryland.

Scott Goldman headshot.

Scott Goldman

Director of Finance

The Director of Finance handles all aspects of finances – accounts payable and accounts receivable – and reports to the board on the status of accounts.

Kristin Johnson headshot.

Kristin Johnson

Co-Director of Finance

The Co-Director of Finance assists the Treasurer for all aspect of finances.

Becky French headshot.

Becky French

Director of Logistics

The Director of Logistics brainstorms events with the events team and oversees event organization and follow through. These events are used for fund-raising to support lobbyists working with MDCID. At times this role must seek out sponsors, coordinate with a venue, and host the event. This position works in conjunction with Social Media to coordinate an event promotion campaign and is responsible to sending out email invitations to the mailing list.

Shaun Higgins headshot.

Shaun Higgins

Co-Director of Logistics

The Co-Director of Logistics brainstorms events with the events team and oversees event organization and follow through. These events are used for fund-raising to support lobbyists working with MDCID. At times this role must seek out sponsors, coordinate with a venue, and host the event. This position works in conjunction with Social Media to coordinate an event promotion campaign and is responsible to sending out email invitations to the mailing list.

Lainie Troutman headshot.

Lainie Troutman

Sponsorship Coordinator

The Sponsorship Coordinator is responsible for development and recruitment initiatives.  This role also works closely with the Social Media and Graphic Coordinators to increase communication and outreach to the design community.

Samantha Rose headshot.

Samantha Rose, CID, IIDA

B’More Design Expo Committee Chair & Co- Sponsorship Coordinator

The B’More Design Expo Committee Chair is responsible.

The Co- Sponsorship Coordinator is responsible for development and recruitment initiatives.

Portrait of Kayla Cox.

Kayla Cox

Social Media Coordinator

The Social Media Coordinator is responsible for planning and posting Coalition updates and event information on each social media platform, working with our Graphic Coordinator.

Erin Stephey headshot.

Erin Stephey

Graphic Coordinator

The Graphics Coordinator ensures consistency of branding throughout all coalition communication platforms, working with the Social Media Coordinator and website team.

Julia Heard headshot.


Student Liaison

The Student Liason is the connection between the Coalition and the Maryland education institutions. Our current Student Liaison is an instructor at each of the four colleges and universities with Interior Design degree programs.

Brent Haberkam headshot.

Brent Haberkam

Member at Large

The Member at Large role fulfills gaps throughout the entire organization as they arise, supporting the many functions of the Board.

Open Position

Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator is the connection between MDCID and our members.  They aim to increase the number of members, help current members gain the full benefit of membership, and maintain membership records.

Open Position

Co-Membership Coordinator

The Co-Membership Coordinator supports the Membership Coordinator’s activities to meet the Coalition’s membership goals.

Join Our Mission

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